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The Theatre Club was formed in 1992 and aims to organise at least six theatre visits each year. Over the past year, we saw War Horse at Southampton, An Ideal Husband, The Height of the Storm and The Nighhtingales, all at Bath, and finally Calendar Girls.

The Club's subscription is £5 per annum (plus £1 for each extra member from the same household).  Currently the Club has about 150 members and the visits are well attended. The Club is an easy way to make a theatre visit - picked up and returned near to home, a comfortable coach trip with no parking problems at the destination, and maybe the chance to have a pre-show picnic en route.
Pick-up points are:

The Cross Keys - Great Bedwyn
The Plough - Shalbourne
Ham Junction - Shalbourne
Town Hall - Hungerford

For further details, contact:

David Nesham 01672 870904

Committee Members

Colin Waterfield - Chairman/Coach Bookings  01672 870579
Clare Moore - Treasurer  01672 871577
Lesley Nesham - Secretary  01672 870904
Ann Currie - Theatre Booking  01672 870524
David Nesham - Membership  01672 870904
Eileen Shoppee - Committee Member  01488 686275

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