Meetings - 2021
In January it became obvious that we would not be able to hold meetings in the Village Hall for the foreseeable future. In order to keep our booked speakers in the picture, hopefully to re-book them in due course and to keep their goodwill it seemed sensible to cancel all meetings for the year. That may change and if possible we would like to re-start in September if the situation has improved by then.
Plant Sale - 2021
We hope to be able to sell plants in the spring possibly at the May Day Fair or from our garden. Details as and when available.
Jenni Blake
Join the Gardening Club
Make Friends While Learning New Skills
We meet in the village Hall at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of most months - so why not put it in your diary? You can come on a one-off basis (£3 a session for non-members), or join for only £10 a year.
We normally have 10 visiting speakers a year, giving talks, tips and presentations (usually very entertaining and well-illustrated) on a wide variety of topics.
The club holds an annual fund-raising plant sale - usually in late April/early May - to help keep the membership fees as low as possible.
For topical, practical advice, visit the RHS website.
Reports on previous meetings can be found here.
Chairman Jenni Blake, contact