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We have now installed three defibrillators in the village: one on the wall beside the entrance to the village school; the other by the entrance to the Sports Ground, at The Lynch (NB: there is street lighting, but it's advisable to take a torch at night).


We have a wheelchair available for use by villagers, or visiting family and friends. If you need one, just contact Jane Woodroffe 01672 870 362. We also have crutches, a commode and a Zimmer frame available.

Community Air Horns

Rural communities like Shalbourne are buying air horns for use in emergencies - anyone interested in buying one (£10 each) or seeing one demonstrated should contact Jane Woodroffe.

The Shalbourne Community Fund is a village group set up to:
  • • relieve sickness and protect the health of people in the Parish by providing (or helping to provide) equipment, facilities and services not normally supplied by the authorities

  • • improve awareness of heart, respiratory and mobility issues

Who's Who

Jane Woodroffe, Chairperson 
Ruth Truran, Secretary 
Jane Campbell, Treasurer

Committee Members

Kathy Bird
Catherine Byrne
Jane Campbell
Lesley Green

Martin Truran

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